Orders & Products

  • How do I place an order?

    Already found something you love? In order to help you with your purchase, we prepared a short step-by-step guide below: 1. Click on the item that you are interested in. 2. Choose the quantity, size, and color if available. In the product description part, at the bottom of the page, you will b...
  • What is the minimum order value?

    The minimum value of items in the order should be $20 for the purchase to be finalized. If the value of items is below the limitation, the order cannot be completed and this information will be noted on the checkout, as shown here. In case you are using the shopping app, the displayed message wi...
  • Will I receive a confirmation email when I place my order?

    As soon as the order is successfully finalized, you will receive the confirmation email. Please make sure to add support@consciousitems.com to your contact list so the email doesn’t end up in the spam or promo folders. Besides, you will receive an email once your order is shipped with the tracki...
  • Can I add a non-English shipping address?

    Even though we are shipping worldwide, our carriers are requesting for the shipping address to be written in English. Also, the phone number is required when providing shipping information so the carrier can easily contact you. In case you have any concerns or need more information, please conta...
  • Can I change my order after placing it?

    Our main goal is to process all orders quickly and flawlessly. Once the order is processed, we cannot make any changes as it’s already on the way. So, if you would like to change your order, please contact us as soon as possible so we can try our best to assist you.
  • I accidentally ordered more than 1 product - What should I do?

    Don't panic! We're here to help! Until your order is shipped, we can absolutely change it. Therefore, if you accidentally ordered more than one item, please contact us as soon as possible because we process the orders within 24 hours.
  • How do I cancel my order?

    When you place your order, we’re on it – we know you need it fast! The packing and shipping process starts immediately. Once the order is processed at the warehouse we are not able to cancel it, so please contact us as soon as possible if you want to cancel your order so we can react right away.
  • My bracelet broke, can I fix it?

    In case your bracelet breaks, don't worry, we have instruction to help you easily fix it. Check the guide here. If you need any further assistance, reach out to our amazing team.
  • What should I do if I don't like my product?

    In case you're not happy with the received item(s), contact our crystal specialists, who are always ready to help. When reaching out, please send the order number and photo/video of the item(s) in question so our team can help as quickly as possible. * Note: Free items from special offers are f...